Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I love going to the VA

I was able to use Oraqix today, which I think every Pt should have. My Pt was very sensitive, but after I placed Oraqiz (which all you have to do is place the anesthetic into the pockets like a probe, No shots!) she was numb enough that I felt that I was able to do a thorough job. By the time I was done my Pt was not numb anymore. She loved it and kept thanking me for using it. It made me feel great.

I really enjoy going to the VA because I do not feel like I have to sell any Tx. What ever is best for the Pt is done and the government pays for it. I know that it is my tax money that is paying for it, but it does not bug me. What bugs me is when a Pt needs Tx and will not do it because they have no dental ins. or ins. will not pay for it. What ever is best for the Pt is the best Tx.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Not bad today. I had a translator come in which was a dream, he even helped me chart. I really enjoyed having him here when I had to go get print offs and get the room ready for x-rays because I did not have to leave my pt by her self.
I was able to take 4bwx and 5 pa's ;) and I am going to use her for my mock board pt. :) !!!

PM N/S but I had a feeling that would happen. Had a walk in pt Only had 8 teeth. but it was a class three. The pt had a really old filling and I popped it off with my ultrasonic. I felt so bad. I was able to practice my graces.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I tried to screen pts, but many of them fall through. So I gave a pt to Jenny and screened the other. HBP and a lot of meds so it took me a while to get that all squared a way.
PM went smooth. rough teeth, but no calculus.
I really need to see harder classifications to get better.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15/09 VA

First full day at the VA. I ended up with the fifth room, but it was not bad. I ask Prof. Bossenberger to check on me a lot/ not to forget about me.
I think it went really smooth.
Other then the instrument being dull. I fill like every instrument issue as a completely different set of instruments and I have to use what I got. It is like playing a game, you got a box of stuff and you have to build or do something with it. I need to work on sharping and feel comfortable about it.
I really like Dr Durham, he was very nice and acknowledge me. Kristen was amazing CA, always willing to help.
By going to the VA I feel that I am learning a lot about medical history and different medications. One of my patients was on warfarin, I need to be extra careful not to cause any trauma to the tissues because the patient will have a hard time clogging and will not stop bleeding. And many more different conditions.
I really enjoy when I can talk to my patient. Some are more talkative then others. It makes me relax.
AM: Class II,
PM: Class V

Sunday, September 12, 2010


today started off on rocky foot. Told Pt to be here Ten minutes early, she was 15 minutes late. Pt mom said that she would pay for FM but then change her mind. :( Bummer. Lucky I was able to talk her into a pano.
Afternoon Pt started off rocky too. Looked for 90 minutes for a chart and could not find it. Nick found in within few minutes in the same place I was looking. Talk about swallowing my pride. Then I try to take my Pt's Blood Sugar, but it would not work right. It read 48 then 55. About this time I was thinking there is no way I am going to get this Pt done (FYI My Pt is also a talker and wanted to talk about everything) My Pt had heavy Calculus on the Mandibular lingual which I thought would take the rest of the time just to do these six teeth. I do not know how, but the grace of God I finish him and had no errors!!!!!
Also on the bright side I got a Pt from Mid-town that I am really excited for.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, not as bad as I thought it would be. I was worried that I would forget everything from last year. There was a few things that I did forget, but I was am to fix them right away. I feel like I can do this!!!! I am enjoying the way things are ran in 2nd year clinic. I feel that I can focus on my skills more then worry about the little things. I also feel like the Professors/Dr. care more about us learning. They were right there every time I needed them. Thank you!!