Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Real Patient Day

I had jamie my little sister be my first patient. I picked her because she is one of the most easy going people I know. She also make me clam. I think the appt. could not of gone better. I mean with what I did myself. I had everything that I needed that day set up. I did things in the right order. And I was one of the first to have my chart in. Few of the things that really bug me was jamie was the 2nd patient who sign in, but the last patient check in. Mr. Soleman did not page me or change the dot to yellow on the computer until ten after, which made me get behind everyone else so I always had to wait for the insturtor. I was ready to take x-rays early but Prof. Vining told us we could not go early, but by the time I went to the radiology lab people were already half way through their x-rays. I did great on the x-rays and needed no retakes. I was really happy that it only took me ten min. to do everything. set up, take them, process and clean up. Probing took longer then I like to amitt, and it was werid because I kept getting fours but then I would check them again I would only get a threes. I only missed one spot of caluclus, which I was surprised. I know that my patient was a really easy patient, but I think it was really helpful to me to go through the steps. Next patient I will be fine to have a harder patient and ok if I do not get very far.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hygienist today

Today I got to be the hygienist. Karli was my patient. I was able to set up before lunch, which was nice. The only thing I forgot was the articulating paper. I need to put some in my draw because I am out. I feel like it is getting easier. I am catching on to what chair position I need to be in. I feel like I am getting into the col better. I need to work on not dropping things. I dropped my ultra sonic (good thing I was done with it) and dropped the saliva ejection. Maybe I am pregnant. J/K

Monday, November 16, 2009


I was Karli's Patient today. I love her unit because of the view. Karli was so soft . She was so scared to hurt me. She finished scaling on the right side. Then she did all four sealants and polished. I helped a few people clean their unit so we can all go get the H1N1 Shot at the Dee Event Center. It was so easy to get the shot. We walked in and walked back out. There was no waiting. Anyways back to clinic... My goal is to help others clean.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was the patient today for Linda Wood. Time went by fast. I had a blinket under my lower back which helped alot. I read the module and went over the sharping PE while I was in the chair. I need to work on my down finishing stroke. I helped linda clean. Things were coming together.

Monday, November 9, 2009

1st mock patient

Today was a lot of fun. Linda Wood was my patient. She is a sweetest person ever. I got to the clinic early but no one was here. I ended up setting up as much as I could without my jacket. I set up more then I needed but I felt so prepared. I took my time and made sure that I was doing everything in order. It felt great when I over heard Prof. Costley go over what they were looking for. I was able to check off everything she said. high five me!!! I kept wanting to use the ultra sonic like the air-powder polish, but I finally got it down. There was only one spot that I missed the calculus. The charting took so much more time then I thought it would, but I think that I did a good job. Next time I want to make sure that I have enough time to chart.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In your face

I passed off the air-power polish today and Fl2. Again I got a tip that did not work. I did better with the air-power polish but still do not like it. It get all over and my face is covered. We learned about sharping. I love to do things with my hands so I enjoy sharping. I really want Prof. Costley show me the way she does it because I think that I would like it better.

Monday, November 2, 2009


We did sealants today which was really fun. I learned today how to do the walkout, which is really easy. I put the sealant in Linda #30. I thought that I did a great job but she has a very tight bite so Kim had to pick most of it out :(