Thursday, October 7, 2010


I want to cry. I am crying in side. i am so stressed, but I shouldn't be. I feel like I am stressing because I am stressing. Live is not that bad and I have many blessings. Things do not go smooth all the time. I need to learn to take the bad with the good. Breath!!! I also need to learn to let the water roll off my back. My pt had hbp but he was nice and understood. I was still able to take x-rays. I need to sit down and make sure everything will work out.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thursday 9-30

I was not able to do any cleaning on my pt this morning, but I am ok with that. I feel that due to her medical history I needed to go through it with her and be through. I was also able to get 4bwx and a pano, which is going to come in handy. I did have time to do one quad but I did not what you rush or go over the time and keep her longer.
I decided that I am going to share my patient, due to the fact that I believe it is unethical of me to keep her to my self. I am not able to see her again for four weeks, which will prolong her treatment. I also know that I will not be able to get her all done that day too. I am also helping a peer (or two) with providing a pt for mock boards. I hope all goes well.
Unfortunately I had to bring my pt back again the next day to take more x-rays :( in order for her to be a patient for mock boards.
My afternoon pt I felt like I was not very sympathetic. I was told she was a drama queen (she was) and that she talks a lot (she did). I was more focused on the treatment and getting things done. Now looking back and reevaluating I do not think I would change. I think some times it is needed.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I love going to the VA

I was able to use Oraqix today, which I think every Pt should have. My Pt was very sensitive, but after I placed Oraqiz (which all you have to do is place the anesthetic into the pockets like a probe, No shots!) she was numb enough that I felt that I was able to do a thorough job. By the time I was done my Pt was not numb anymore. She loved it and kept thanking me for using it. It made me feel great.

I really enjoy going to the VA because I do not feel like I have to sell any Tx. What ever is best for the Pt is done and the government pays for it. I know that it is my tax money that is paying for it, but it does not bug me. What bugs me is when a Pt needs Tx and will not do it because they have no dental ins. or ins. will not pay for it. What ever is best for the Pt is the best Tx.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Not bad today. I had a translator come in which was a dream, he even helped me chart. I really enjoyed having him here when I had to go get print offs and get the room ready for x-rays because I did not have to leave my pt by her self.
I was able to take 4bwx and 5 pa's ;) and I am going to use her for my mock board pt. :) !!!

PM N/S but I had a feeling that would happen. Had a walk in pt Only had 8 teeth. but it was a class three. The pt had a really old filling and I popped it off with my ultrasonic. I felt so bad. I was able to practice my graces.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I tried to screen pts, but many of them fall through. So I gave a pt to Jenny and screened the other. HBP and a lot of meds so it took me a while to get that all squared a way.
PM went smooth. rough teeth, but no calculus.
I really need to see harder classifications to get better.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15/09 VA

First full day at the VA. I ended up with the fifth room, but it was not bad. I ask Prof. Bossenberger to check on me a lot/ not to forget about me.
I think it went really smooth.
Other then the instrument being dull. I fill like every instrument issue as a completely different set of instruments and I have to use what I got. It is like playing a game, you got a box of stuff and you have to build or do something with it. I need to work on sharping and feel comfortable about it.
I really like Dr Durham, he was very nice and acknowledge me. Kristen was amazing CA, always willing to help.
By going to the VA I feel that I am learning a lot about medical history and different medications. One of my patients was on warfarin, I need to be extra careful not to cause any trauma to the tissues because the patient will have a hard time clogging and will not stop bleeding. And many more different conditions.
I really enjoy when I can talk to my patient. Some are more talkative then others. It makes me relax.
AM: Class II,
PM: Class V

Sunday, September 12, 2010


today started off on rocky foot. Told Pt to be here Ten minutes early, she was 15 minutes late. Pt mom said that she would pay for FM but then change her mind. :( Bummer. Lucky I was able to talk her into a pano.
Afternoon Pt started off rocky too. Looked for 90 minutes for a chart and could not find it. Nick found in within few minutes in the same place I was looking. Talk about swallowing my pride. Then I try to take my Pt's Blood Sugar, but it would not work right. It read 48 then 55. About this time I was thinking there is no way I am going to get this Pt done (FYI My Pt is also a talker and wanted to talk about everything) My Pt had heavy Calculus on the Mandibular lingual which I thought would take the rest of the time just to do these six teeth. I do not know how, but the grace of God I finish him and had no errors!!!!!
Also on the bright side I got a Pt from Mid-town that I am really excited for.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, not as bad as I thought it would be. I was worried that I would forget everything from last year. There was a few things that I did forget, but I was am to fix them right away. I feel like I can do this!!!! I am enjoying the way things are ran in 2nd year clinic. I feel that I can focus on my skills more then worry about the little things. I also feel like the Professors/Dr. care more about us learning. They were right there every time I needed them. Thank you!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Last Day

The last day of clinic this semester went every well. I was able to probe and scale an implant which I have never done. I also got to work on retainers Max and Mand. which was good practice for me. I hope this is like riding a bike, so when fall comes I will jump back into it.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I was able to screen today for my peers. When I first looked at the x-rays I thought for sure he was a class two but he had so much calculus he was a class three. HA!!! I need to be quicker about taking x-rays. I do a good job but I am not very fast. I feel that I did a really good job on charting.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Things to still work on

I need to work on knowing my instruments better. There are still some that I do not pick at all. I also want to work on describing pathology. I also have a goal over the summer to read the Anastasia book so that I can be ahead of the game.
Things that I am getting better at is the order things need to be done in. I am also getting use to my loops now I just need to remember to use them ;)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Feeling Good

it feels so good to have every thing done in clinic that I have to do. I do not have to stress any more. i have learned years ago if i kick butt in the beginning then most of the time it is a breeze at the end. I took a full mouth of x-rays, which turn out really good. I was happy with the way they turned out b/c my pt is missing a few teeth and every time she would bite the film would move. I realized now that I can not guess the classification of pt's by just talking to them. Lately I have had pt who have had the perio surgery and have not been in for years, but they are still not as bad as I would think they are. And then we get pt's in that are young and say they brush their teeth 2xday and are a class III. ????? I have been enjoying helping my peers find their class III, but it makes me feel really greatful that I was able to find my class III early. I can not believe how hard it is to find Class III and IV. I have been tring to put together a list of pts for next sem. hopefully I get as lucky. I am also greatful for my experience as a dental assistant. I think that it has helped me do as well as I have be doing.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

crazy day

I saw my pt and finished him as well as take x-rays for some one and screened a pt. I am tried

Monday, March 29, 2010

Kids Kids & More Kids

I saw two four year old kids and did sealants on an other. Things went very well. Goals to focus on are showing mom how to brush and floss & having everything ready that I may needed especially when they are young, I hate leaving them. Next time I see a kid I will get paper work and do it in the waiting room, before I bring the pt back.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I finish up My Class II pts. They were both older and I loved working on them, even through there was a lot of calculus. I was surprised that calculus built up so quickly, since the last time I saw them.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I did it!!!!!!

I set a goal today to get my 1B done on time. I had 20-25 min I did it in 25 min. I gave myself 5min for each quad. I thought that I would have a lot of errors because I did not have time to back over everything 2 or 3 times ;) which is a waste of time but it makes me feel better ;) I only had one error. ;) For charting I am doing better I remembered everything but extra/intra/dent/perio. But I fixed it before she graded the chart.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My husband

I have the best husband in the world. My pt call last night and canceled. So my husband when into work this morning and got off early to be my pt. My goal is to get some PE done and all four quads done too. I am going to do my best b/c I am not feeling well, I think that I have the flu. I would not want to get any one sick, but if my husband is going to get sick it would be from home.

I did it. I did even more then I thought that I would get done. The second year students helped me out a lot. I have two more PE now. I did three today. I am doing great on not stressing out and staying focused. I am also doing better at watching the time, by writing it down on the green sheet at the time and then transfer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Class Two Exam

My goal today was to stay claim. And I did. I am so proud. My pt had a lot of calculus. I was able to get the upper quads done without any error. SMILE I was also able to do it in great timing. I started the mand. lingual anteriors, but I need work how to do it. Get more comfortable.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Class Three??

I set a goal and did it. I was able to finish my patient today, but it really makes me think that I really should only count her as a class II. My goal is to bring in an other class III. Today I got to feel what sheet calculus felt like. Julie helped me learn more about my instruments. I did a much better job of staying cool and not worrying about everything. I was even able to do a PE

Monday, February 22, 2010

Good Friend

Hour before clinic started my patient called me and told me that he has the flu and needs to R/S. Luckily I have really great friends. I called my friend who I needed to finish. He was already in SLC at work, but he still came up and was on time. To thank him I paid for his sealants. I really appreciate Kim today because she was not feeling good at all, but she was nice and helpful. She took the time to show me how to use a few of the instruments. I was also able to do sealants. I shared the sealants with Meagan, hopefully I will be able to do some on her patient too. I took way to long on scaling but I was more focus on using the right instruments and using the right working strok. It took me a little bit to get the hang of thing again after not seeing a patients for so long.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Clinic Lab

We were able to go over three PE so now I am able to do any of them. I enjoyed the break from pts. I found out that I have two cavities. A goal of my is to get all my PE done. I plan on doing this by looking ahead and assigning PE to each Pt

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hay I got an other class three

I am slowing down, but that is ok because I am getting harder pt and taking the time to learn my instruments. I think that trying to get use to my loops is slowing me down the most, but it will help me in the furture.

Monday, February 8, 2010

full mouth x-rays

I tried to take a full mouth today with digital. The Computer flip them. It throw me off, I thought that I was going crazy. So I asked Jeff if he would come a help me, he watched me put it in, but then walked off. I need to watch the time better. This morning when by so quickly. I was able to start my caries project so we will see how it goes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life is all about change

The moments that really matter are though that define us. My pt today n/s. I had to move two other pt's to see him and he does not even show. I was up set but not sure surprised. I think that I handle it well. I called the pt that I need to finish but she did not want to come in. So I saw a kid. There are some pt that should never be left a lone.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Found my class III

Today was the first day I did not get anything done, but I am handling it well. I took it easy and I feel like I am a head in the game. My pt will be coming back on Wed so I may finish. It was hard to prob around the calcucus. I was able to get most of L/L done so my goal is to finish him on Wed. What really slowed me down was he speaked spanish. My other goal is to learn more spanish. I am doing really good about taking my time and making sure that I am doing things right.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Class II

My peer pal told me that my pt was a 1B but she end up being a class II. I was so happy. i was able to do three quadrants. I may of got her all done, but she had to go to the rest room about 4 times. Which was ok because I am still happy with how it went. I even missed a butch but Prof. Costley said it was because it was burnish calculus. I have never felt burnished calculus so it was a great experience.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Exam

ok I need to take a step back and breathe. The x-rays sign up is a mess. People are signing up in the wrong room and switching rooms and not telling people when they are done. My goal was to do an exam, but I think that I should have waited b/c I got behind w/x-rays; I am stressed out b/c of the tests that we have this week, and the application. I need to always start on the lowers and air dry the lingual.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today my dad is coming today and I am more nerves about him coming then a stranger. And I am also seeing a child.

Well it went ok. I signed up for a radiology room to take a pano but other people jumped ahead of me, which really got to me. b/c I had my father kept getting up so now I have learned to keep the pt sitting and make sure that the room is mine and ready. There were a few spots intra but Prof. Hansen said that they looked ok.
The kid was a great pt, but I felt rushed and was not sure what to do.
Goal is to do an exam

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am on a roll

I am so happy. I almost was not able to see my pt because he had high blood pressure. I was able to get my patient done in one appt. again. Hay!!! He was really easy and I did better on the time. And did better at the order of things to do. I need to remember to have a OD check before disclosing. I keep thinking that it is so much fun and that I need to have the green and blue sheet all filled out.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ten Quad Done

Wow, Can I say wow again WOW! I think my blood pressure is sky high.
So today I saw a new pt that I have never met. She was my mom co-works daughter. She is pregnant and she bleed a lot and kept bleeding to the point that I can't see anything. That is what took me so long to get her done. But I did it!!! All in one appt. I am so so so proud of my self. But of course I made mistakes, I am not prefect. I totally forgot to have the OD check. I asked Jeff questions about it and he even helped me prob so I guess in my mind I had a OD check. My first goal is to have everything done in the right order and then my second goal is to be faster at it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Made a few errors but not bad. I actually got him done. My goal to have time limits and to day I just did as much as I could. I need to get a pt that actually has some calculus and a health history.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day one in clinic

It was really laid back. jeff is over my area. we got to practices for a little bit which was good. I found out at the last min. that I have to find a pt by wed. so I hang around watching and listing to the 2 years on how to call pt's.