Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Class Three??

I set a goal and did it. I was able to finish my patient today, but it really makes me think that I really should only count her as a class II. My goal is to bring in an other class III. Today I got to feel what sheet calculus felt like. Julie helped me learn more about my instruments. I did a much better job of staying cool and not worrying about everything. I was even able to do a PE

Monday, February 22, 2010

Good Friend

Hour before clinic started my patient called me and told me that he has the flu and needs to R/S. Luckily I have really great friends. I called my friend who I needed to finish. He was already in SLC at work, but he still came up and was on time. To thank him I paid for his sealants. I really appreciate Kim today because she was not feeling good at all, but she was nice and helpful. She took the time to show me how to use a few of the instruments. I was also able to do sealants. I shared the sealants with Meagan, hopefully I will be able to do some on her patient too. I took way to long on scaling but I was more focus on using the right instruments and using the right working strok. It took me a little bit to get the hang of thing again after not seeing a patients for so long.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Clinic Lab

We were able to go over three PE so now I am able to do any of them. I enjoyed the break from pts. I found out that I have two cavities. A goal of my is to get all my PE done. I plan on doing this by looking ahead and assigning PE to each Pt

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hay I got an other class three

I am slowing down, but that is ok because I am getting harder pt and taking the time to learn my instruments. I think that trying to get use to my loops is slowing me down the most, but it will help me in the furture.

Monday, February 8, 2010

full mouth x-rays

I tried to take a full mouth today with digital. The Computer flip them. It throw me off, I thought that I was going crazy. So I asked Jeff if he would come a help me, he watched me put it in, but then walked off. I need to watch the time better. This morning when by so quickly. I was able to start my caries project so we will see how it goes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life is all about change

The moments that really matter are though that define us. My pt today n/s. I had to move two other pt's to see him and he does not even show. I was up set but not sure surprised. I think that I handle it well. I called the pt that I need to finish but she did not want to come in. So I saw a kid. There are some pt that should never be left a lone.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Found my class III

Today was the first day I did not get anything done, but I am handling it well. I took it easy and I feel like I am a head in the game. My pt will be coming back on Wed so I may finish. It was hard to prob around the calcucus. I was able to get most of L/L done so my goal is to finish him on Wed. What really slowed me down was he speaked spanish. My other goal is to learn more spanish. I am doing really good about taking my time and making sure that I am doing things right.